Senin, 12 Desember 2016

The Speech

                     Increasing The College Students  Willingness In Learning Technology.

Assalamualaikum wr . wb  . ladies  and gentlemen , Have you ever ask why there  only few people or college student that want to learning technology ? and even if the technology had been development just only few people who knows how to use it. And for that I will discuss it in my speech.
BODY       :
Ladies and gentlemen haven’t you realize that technology  had been use by so many country around the world indonesian has no exception , because it’s usefulness that can fit in any life style of the civilization . but  there still few people who not know how to using it , even I’m one of the few people that not known how to use a technology such as internet for example . this could happen not because the college can’t understand how to use a technology  . but BECAUSE OF COLLEGE STUDENTS WILLINGNESS FOR LEARNING TECHNOLOGY ARE SO LITTLE . so how we deal with this situation if college student  willingness  are very low , what must we do to make sure our future is secure and the knowledge can be use for good.
Outside our country technology been development just so fast , almost like a train go in high speed . but in our country there only few who use it , not everyone use a technology  and the only one who use it just student or college  that want to finish their  education .this very concerned because technology is not just use for that  kind thing but also for other benefit  , like to PUT TECHNOLOGY IN GOOD USE EITHER IT IN URBAN AND ISOLATED PLACE .  there is still allot placed that has no technology so is up to us to help the people that still need our support in a place that so far from our reach  . with using technology to connect other people so they could understand each other , without being misunderstand that may make us fall apart.
There is some ADVANCE OF TECHNOLOGY IN OUR DAILY .  usually we have been using it for various reasoned ,like social media it a  place where  people chat or talk about anything  even their  life  . some advance of technology  can over come  a  crisis  knowledge  such as  computer  engineering  , so when  future  of  technology  will development  no  people  that  wouldn’t   understand  how  to use  a technology .
Is  time when  i ‘m arrive  on the end  of my speech  , i have some conclusion that  even  if the  willingness  of  technology  are  very  low  we can persuade  them no matter  what  they think of it .     

                                   That is my speech thank for listening , if I’m had wrong word please                                  forgive me  cause perfection belong to allah swt and the wrong thing with in me ,                                                               wassalamuaikum wr .wb. and see you .    

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